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External SaaS lawyers

As a software as a service (SaaS) company grows, it may become necessary to hire and work with external legal resources to provide additional support for legal matters. This could include hiring a law firm or engaging with a legal consultant. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits and considerations of hiring external legal resources for a SaaS company.

Benefits of Hiring External Legal Resources


External legal resources bring specialized SaaS legal expertise that can be invaluable to a SaaS company. They can provide guidance on complex legal matters, such as intellectual property protection, data privacy, and regulatory compliance.


External legal resources offer flexibility in terms of workload and availability. They can provide support on an as-needed basis, allowing the SaaS company to scale their legal resources up or down as their needs change.


Hiring external legal resources can be more cost-effective than hiring an in-house legal team. This is particularly true for smaller SaaS companies that may not have the budget or need for a full-time legal staff.

Risk Management

External legal resources can help a SaaS company manage their risk by identifying potential legal issues and providing guidance on how to mitigate them. They can also provide support in the event of litigation or regulatory enforcement actions.

Considerations When Hiring External Legal Resources

Legal Needs

Before hiring external legal resources, it is important to assess the legal needs of the SaaS company. This includes identifying any areas of legal risk or compliance that need to be addressed, as well as any ongoing legal support that may be required.


When hiring external legal resources, it is important to consider their reputation and experience. This can be done by researching their background and reputation in the industry, as well as obtaining references from other clients.


Clear communication is essential when working with external legal resources. It is important to establish expectations for communication and ensure that there is regular communication between the SaaS company and the legal resources.


While external legal resources can be cost-effective, it is important to consider the costs involved. This includes not only the fees charged by the legal resources, but also any expenses related to travel, research, and other costs associated with legal support.


When working with external legal resources, it is important to ensure that any confidential information is protected. This can be done by implementing confidentiality agreements and ensuring that any sensitive information is only shared on a need-to-know basis.

Hiring external SaaS lawyers can be an effective way for a SaaS company to manage their legal needs and mitigate risk. By bringing in specialized expertise, external legal resources can provide valuable guidance on complex legal matters, while offering flexibility and cost-effectiveness. However, it is important to consider the legal needs of the SaaS company, as well as the reputation, communication, cost, and confidentiality of any potential legal resources. By carefully assessing these factors, a SaaS company can ensure that they are working with the right legal resources to support their business.

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